a) why all oil & gas SPACs, the SC is sending out the wrong signals, telling the markets that they only like oil & gas sector
b) the SC has to be careful as it appears to be blurring the lines of approving based on ability and approving based on personalities
c) it is not SC's task to pick the sectors, you can put in the stringent requirements but not sector picking
We have a huge sector that has been largely ignored by EPU, the Capital Markets masterplan. Why:
1) there is no regional financial center to list regional mining stocks
2) Malaysia's vibrant equity markets have not be proactive to make it the center in terms of fund raising, listing, PE mining centric firms, primary greenfields investing, secondary investing, using of Syariah compliant instruments to promote the sector
3) the ring of fire, we are on a volcanic activity plate which also yields a lot of minerals in the region, including Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Malaysia ... though the mines may be smaller, they are still very much viable
4) imagine listing 2-3 mining stocks a year ... 5 years later we have 15 and there will be a vibrant equity market supporting the prospecters, early investors, even fund management and private equity
What we have now are viable mines having to go the long way to get listed or even tapping the capital markets. Why are they not listing on Bursa? There are plenty of local entrepreneurs, having to go the hard way... we are again losing talent, earnings, taxes and other multiplier effects. The following are Malaysian mines currently listed overseas and the market cap:
Gindalbie Metals / ASX / USD340m (RM1.08bn)
Avalon Materials / ASX / USD 30m (RM96m)
LionGold / SGX / USD880m (RM2.8bn)
Golden West / ASX / USD37m (RM118m)
Peninsular Gold / AIM / USD22m (RM70m)
Besra / TSX / USD 32m (R102m)
CVM Minerals / HKG / USD40m (RM126m)
Monument Mining / TSX / USD103m (RM330m)
CNMC / SES / USD107m (RM342m)
They all could have and should be listed on Bursa!!!
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