a) Schrodinger
![The Schrödinger equation](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ff1c7ceeab8ea3210000014-400-300/the-schrdinger-equation.jpg)
b) Second law of thermodynamics
![Second law of thermodynamics](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ff1c1f8eab8ead101000017-400-300/second-law-of-thermodynamics.jpg)
c) Black Scholes model
![The Black–Scholes model](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ffc4b2369beddb15e000000-400-300/the-blackscholes-model.jpg)
d) Wave equation
![The wave equation](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ff178a269bedd6f1800000f-400-300/the-wave-equation.jpg)
e) Shannon's information theory
![Shannon's information theory](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ff1c8dc6bb3f7c838000013-400-300/shannons-information-theory.jpg)
f) Maxwell's equations (this is a freebie, note the plural)
![Maxwell's equations](http://static.businessinsider.com/image/4ff1be5869bedd074b000003-400-300/maxwells-equations.jpg)
g) Fourier's transform
1) Schrodinger's Equation - Models matter as a wave, rather than a particle.
2) Second Law Of Thermodynamics - Energy and heat dissipate over time.
3) The Wave Equation - A differential equation that describes the behavior of waves, originally the behavior of a vibrating violin string.
4) Shannon's Information Theory - Estimates the amount of data in a piece of code by the probabilities of its component symbols.
5) Maxwell's Equations - Maps out the relationship between electric and magnetic fields.
6) The Fourier's Transform - Describes patterns in time as a function of frequency.
7) Black Scholes Model - Prices a derivative based on the assumption that it is riskless and that there is no arbitrage opportunity when it is priced correctly.
Get 5 or 6 correctly, you should be a Phd student in maths. Get all correct, you should have an IQ above 200 or be in a mental ward. Get 3-4 right, aren't you a bombastic know it all bastard. Get 0-2 correct, hey you are normal.
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